· Navigate to EXCELSIOR by typing https://excelsior.meritcro.com into your web browser
· Select “Forgot Password?”
· Select type of reset: Reset with Email or Reset with Passcode
Reset with Email
- Select the "Reset with Email" option.
- Enter the user name of your EXCELSIOR account and click "Request Email". You will be sent an email from noreply@meritcro.com with a link to reset your password.
- .An alert will display asking if you are sure you want to be sent the password reset email. Click "OK"
- A second alert will display confirming the email has been sent to the email address associated with your EXCELSIOR account. Click "OK".
- This email will be delivered to the email account that is associated with your EXCELSIOR account. Click or copy & paste the link provided.
- Enter and confirm your new password.
NOTE: The emailed reset link is valid for 20 minutes, and the password must be reset during that time. If the link expires, a new link may be requested using the same process
Reset with Passcode
- To reset with a passcode, you must first contact MERIT at support@meritcro.com to request it.
- Select the "Reset with Passcode" option.
- Enter the user name of your EXCELSIOR account AND the passcode provided by MERIT.
- Enter and confirm your new password.
NOTE: The passcode is valid for 6 hours, and the password must be reset during that time. If the passcode expires, a new passcode may be requested using the same process, or the "Reset with Email" option can be used.