To view the current workflow status of a particular series (subject-time point-procedure), locate it in the Subjects page for your study and site.
Access the Subjects Page
- Login to EXCELSIOR by entering your username and password established in the Registration step.
- On the “Studies” screen, locate the study you want to access. Click on the study tile. If you are a CRO or Sponsor, next select the Site of interest.
- On the site landing page, the Subjects tab will be the default selection, displaying a list of all subjects created by the site:
Subject > Visits Tab
- On the Subject page, basic subject information is shown in the page header and in the upper left corner. The first view of the subject page is Visits (see tab on the left side of the page):
- All possible study visits are displayed across the top of the screen. Icons in the tiles indicate the status of the visit in EXCELSIOR:
- Not Done: Visit was missed and/or no visit images can be submitted.
- No Data: The site has not created a data series for this visit.
- In Progress: The site has created and/or submitted a data series for this visit. The series is in one of the steps of the EXCELSIOR grading workflow.
- Completed: Grading is complete for all data series required for this visit.
- Visits with open queries display a query icon
- If there are more study visits, a scroll bar will appear directly below the visit tiles.
- Select a visit tile to view the details of the required procedure(s) for that visit. In the example below, Week 1 has been selected.
- For each visit data series, procedure, study date (visit date), EXCELSIOR grading workflow step/status, open queries, and possible actions for each procedure (data series) are displayed.
- Definitions of the EXCELSIOR workflow steps can be found in the Helpdesk FAQs:
Status and Actions Icons
- If the status is a workflow step (e.g. Upload, Check-In, Analysis, Grade, Verify, Completed), the data series has been created and is in the EXCELSIOR workflow. Click on the link icon to open the series. NOTE: Viewing of series is dependent on the user’s EXCELSIOR account permissions.
- If the status is “No Data”, the data series for this procedure has not yet been created by the site.
- o To create the data series and upload image files, click on the “+” icon under Actions. You will be redirected to the “New Series” page to complete the upload process.
- o To indicate that the procedure was missed at the visit and will not be submitted to EXCELSIOR, click on the “no” symbol icon to mark the series as not performed. You will be redirected to a confirmation page to enter a reason for the missing image. Sign off with your EXCELSIOR password and “Submit” to complete the process.