EXCELSIOR User Registration
Each user must register their account before they can log in to EXCELSIOR. If you have participated in other clinical trials using the EXCELSIOR software application you will keep the username and password that you have already established for other studies.
- Each user (Imaging Technician or Site Coordinator) who needs to create an account will receive a notification in their e-mail from registration@meritcro.com to setup their user account that looks like this:
Note: This e-mail may be delivered to your junk e-mail folder; adding registration@meritcro.com to your contacts will prevent delivery to your junk mail.
- Selecting the link in the e-mail will bring you to an account setup page for your EXCELSIOR user account.
Note: Google Chrome and FireFox are the recommended internet browsers to use with EXCELSIOR.
- On the Registration form, complete the required fields:
Username – You will use the Username to log in to the application. The Username must contain only alphanumeric characters.
Password – The password is case sensitive, and must meet these requirements:
- Be between 8 and 50 characters in length
- Include at least one uppercase letter
- Include at least one lowercase letter
- Include at least one number
- Include at least one special character (e.g., @, *, &, #, etc.; please note that % CANNOT be used)
Confirm Password
- All other fields are optional. Complete the information per your preference (i.e. City, Address, Phone, etc.).
- Click “Save” at the bottom of the form.
Note: If the form does not save, check that all required fields are completed and that your password complies with the requirements. If not met, a notice will appear at the top of the page and criteria that are not met will be highlighted red in the bottom left:
- The “Registration Completed” message is displayed. Click OK in the popup window.
- You will now see the login page. Enter your new Username and Password and click “Login.”